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What We Do

Our Mission

Our mission is simple – we help borrowers take control of their federal student loans through education and action. (We do not assist borrowers with private student loans).


You can’t get to where you want to be if you don’t know your options. So, before you do anything, StudentLoanify reviews all your federal loans and explains:

options  the amounts you owe;
options  the interest rates you are being charged;
options  the repayment plans available to you.

This FREE analysis is customized to each borrower’s profile to help borrowers understand their current status as well as their options.

Take Action

In addition to helping you understand your federal student loans and options, we help you take action. With a click of a button, our proprietary systems will create your customized applications and instructions needed to obtain the repayment plan selected by you. You only need to print, sign and send the completed applications to the servicer.


Much like TurboTax™ revolutionized tax preparation, StudentLoanify is revolutionizing how federal student loan borrowers take charge of their loans.